Bachelor of Science Business Administration Degree (BSBA)
(All courses offered click here)
Minimum to Graduate: Up to 90 units of completed courses may transfer equivalent to those listed in UNIVERSITY OF SILVANER INC. S.A.C approved curriculum and complete degree program by matriculating with an additional 30 semester units completed. Required credits for graduation is 120 units of credit.
Total Cost: For graduation completion – $7900 with the maximum 60 units of credit compulsory for graduation; For 30 units of credit courses remaining with the successful transfer of 90 units of course credit in the BSBA program, cost is $7900.
Grading: Undergraduate student grades simple guidelines include student attendance online; accumulated quiz scores; participation in discussions in class forums; and cooperative research with other students. Mid-term exams and final exams must account for a minimal 60% of a student’s semester grade. Minimum of 40% to a student’s semester grade in accordance with UNIVERSITY OF SILVANER INC. S.A.C policy are his/her attendance, quizzes, and participation (includes written assignments).
Delivery: Terms – 8, 10 or 12 weeks per term including final exam week. Online Classes exclusively.
Grade Reports: Papers, lessons, quiz, and test results, leading up to mid-term and final are returned within seven days of submission by course instructors. Within one week of finals term��grades are due from faculty and available to students in good standing. Student’s school obligations must be settled.